Corrosion Materials is taking the threat of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, very seriously and, as a valued customer, we assure you that we are closely monitoring the situation for any changes and taking the necessary actions to protect our employees and our supply chain which, in turn, protects your supply chain.

Below are some of the specific actions Corrosion Materials has taken to prevent employees, customers and suppliers from contracting or spreading COVID-19.

  • Employees have been provided information by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and our health insurance provider concerning facts, prevention, symptoms and treatment of COVID-19.
  • We have requested employees to follow the CDC guidelines for proper personal safety.
  • Disinfectants and hand sanitizers are provided throughout our work areas.
  • All frequently touched surfaces and horizontal surfaces in higher traffic areas are being frequently cleaned and disinfected.
  • All larger group company functions have been discontinued until further notice.
  • Employee domestic air travel has been limited to situations essential to business operations and travel outside of the U.S. is totally restricted.
  • Employee customer visits are limited to those absolutely critical to the business and they only occur with our customers’ knowledge and consent.
  • Supplier visits to Corrosion Materials are limited to those absolutely critical to the business and, while on-site, the visitors must maintain a distance of six feet from our employees and follow the same prevention practices as our employees.
  • In the event of a shutdown or employee contraction of COVID-19, a plan is in place that allows key personnel to work from home.
  • Parcel, LTL, Flatbed, Hot Shot, etc. drivers making deliveries or picking up material have limited access into our facilities and exposure with our employees.

With respect to inventory and supplies, Corrosion Materials maintains very strong, long-term relationships with several key supply partners across our vast product lines and services. We continue to communicate and expedite orders with our suppliers on a daily basis. Fortunately, we have not experienced any impact to our supply chain up to this point but, if we do, we will consider our key supply partners first and then our alternative “qualified” suppliers, if issues persist.

Furthermore, Corrosion Materials’ Safety guidelines and ISO 9001 procedures specify that we notify our customers if any issue impacts our supply chain or service of any order. So, in the event an issue impacts our supply or service of any order, we will let you know. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Michael King

24-HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER | 800.535.8032

Questions? Contact one of our experienced team members to help find what you’re looking for in our extensive inventory of corrosion resistant alloy products and value-added services.